Discovering the Harties area, lipstick and Tabard in tow...

Just call me the bundu basher, I shall remain anonymous. I packed my leopard print suitcases and relocated to Harties. From city to the bush. In my stilettos, lipstick and Cosmopolitan in hand, I have set out to explore and discover all the opportunities that this place has to offer. Visiting restaurants, adventure activities, shops and other 'hidden gems', I shall review each new experience... one bush wack at a time. Here goes, I am trading in my high heels and lipstick, for bundu shoes & tabard.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pick a Pancake

Savoury or sweet? Pick a Pancake has it all - taking pancakes into a new league.

Sunday breakfast was spent at this local restaurant, located in the heart of the Welwitschia Market, Harties.

Walking into the restaurant, it's as if someone blew up a can of cow paint.  Besides the over-used cow print design, which does actually create a homely feel to the place, there are a hundreds, and I mean hundreds of cow accessories everywhere

My boyfriend and I, were rudely joined for breakfast, by Maisy the giant cow. See her above. See her big eyes. She watched us as we ate... she watched us as we talked. Yes, Maisy the stalker cow.

Looking at the menu, with its long list of sweet pancakes and savoury ones, it was hard to choose what to eat... it was hard to pick a pancake.
The BULL - a pancake with sausage, cheese, bacon bits; plus mushrooms, onion and 2 fried eggs on the side, was what I ordered. I must say, it is great value for money - my meal could have fed the whole of Ethiopia.

It was delish, although the mince was a bit to beefy (personal taste) and it lacked a touch of salt. With all the cows and their milk splashed around the restaurant, I think the chefs might have forgotten that milk is not the only ingredient in the world and that salt is also important too.

Service was slightly slow, but besides these petty things - it was an overall delightful breakfast. It's nice to find these hidden gems, these unique places that can't be found anywhere else, only in Harties.

Whether you have a sweet tooth, or a savoury one - GO PICK A PANCAKE!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Van Gaalen Cheese Farm

To be honest, I am not a cheese fanatic. My cheese repertoire consists of gouda, cheddar, Brie and Camembert. I don't know any of the other smelly cheeses or the mouldy looking ones and sadly do not have the digestive tract to be able to consume any of these, nor do I have the urge to do so.

Having said all that, I had lunch at Van Gaalen Cheese Farm, situated at the foot of the Magliesberg Mountains next to the Skeerpoort river, on Sunday.

I was looking for a quaint place, where I could relax in the sun and just enjoy a peaceful Sunday afternoon. At Van Gaalen, I found what I was looking for... 

Now apart from cheese, I hate salad. (Yes, I am a picker eater). Unfortunately for me, every meal comes with salad (luckily for rabbit people). Despite this, I ordered the Chef's Cheese Platter (I felt like being adventurous) and was pleasantly surprised. Different meats, cheese, breads and chutney laced, or even graced, the plate. I thoroughly enjoyed it and proceeded to clean the plate dry.

A family member of mine ordered the Chicken Schnitzel. (See below) Another family member was adamant that it was chicken filled with cheese.

Chicken at a cheese farm?

This specialty was not chicken but a block of cheese fried, or baked - I actually can't remember. What I can remember was that, with chutney,  is was absolutely mouth-watering! This comes highly recommended. It was a fight between my chef's platter and the chicken schnitzel to take first place.   

To fit the Harties lifestyle, you need restaurants like Van Gaalen Cheese Farm. A highly recommended restaurant.

(Cheese PLEESE!)